Magazine Safe Room

Magazine Safe Room

Magazine Safe Room The safe room was designed to service the Elementary School and is located to the East of the existing Elementary School Building and just North of the football field. This facility consists of two elements: First a 74’ x 58’ x 29’ high precast...
Food Science Sensory Lab Addition University of Arkansas

Food Science Sensory Lab Addition University of Arkansas

Food Science Sensory Lab Addition University of Arkansas – Division of Agriculture, Research Station Fayetteville, Arkansas This lab addition has three wet labs for research by various Food Science faculty with a major component of the addition being a Food...
Cedarville Saferoom

Cedarville Saferoom

Cedarville Saferoom This FEMA Safe Room is located on the Elementary School Campus and is comprised of 6,200 SF of Safe Room area and a 2,400 SF Commercial Kitchen. The facility is a new Safe Room, but also replaces the existing Elementary School Cafeteria. The...